Sonority COUPON CODE : Take note that the special offer of Sonority COUPON CODE is Available For A Short Time Only and Will expire at any time, Click on the banner Below and it will taken you to the Discount Page , 30 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Today, AFTER DISCOUNT PRICE IS $37, One-Time Price And No Month-to-month Charges.

Sonority Is Work Perfectly to Newbies Also quickly and easily create voice-overs and background music for your first video for YouTube, video course or to promote your services, your offers or your websites. No need for complex video recording and editing know-hows. turn your blog post into a short educational podcast or turn it into a video without the need to audio-record. Repurpose your old content piece on social media and reach new audience. start helping local businesses like restaurants or gyms promote themselves on social media using audio-marketing and getting paid big.
Sonority VIDEO
Sonority lets you create realistic, human-like voice-overs and generate stock free unique music for your videos and your clients videos using AI. No API Key. No robotic amazon Polly. No credits system. AND when you pick up Sonority, you’ll get my audio Bonus pack for free today. Limited to first 50. Upload and sell your music-tracks on stock music websites like Audio-jungle and Pond5, who are generating about 5 million visitors monthly. Even if they send you 0.5% of that traffic, that’s 250 sales.
Sonority comes with Commercial License on FE. Here’s how you can profit from it: Regular folks just like you are selling voice-overs and music-track creation services online and making big bucks. Ordinary people like Elliot Middleton, who made $40,000 selling music-tracks online. Niki sold 3643 copies of his music online, earning over $36,000. Andy Grey sold 6,138 copies of his music-track online. Same way, Susan from America made over $8,560 selling voice-overs. Tim made over $9.360, Eric made over $100,000 and so did Greg Johnson. Mix & Merge Your Content Into High-Quality Audio Tracks Effortlessly merge multiple sound, audio, and voice tracks for that polished, ready-to-sell final product. Sonority produces up to 60-minute, high-quality audio tracks in just a few clicks.
Get Real Human Voices to Narrate your Scripts: Choose from a diverse set of 15 voice-overs for your courses, podcasts, spokesperson videos, ads, presentations, and more. Create Human Sounding Voice-overs Using Next-Generation Synthetic Speech Technology License & Sell As Your Own. All 100% A.I. Generated The need for music and voice-overs will never go away. It’s what turns your average video into a captivating, traffic-getting machine that effortlessly gets you results passively. Sonority lets you easily create original audio and voice-overs you can use and sell in any niche.
Hey guys how you all doing and welcome to my sonority review well in a nutshell sonority is a brand new app and cloud-based application that will allow you to use text-to-speech to create human sounding voice over not like amazon poly Microsoft or google voices okay with sonority you can also create synthetic and unique music and complete audio tracks for your videos ads vsl podcast courses and more you know most text-to-speech apps out there are suck and buying stock music is expensive so this is exactly where sonority steps in with a super simple and easy to use dashboard that i will show you in a minute you will see how you can create these voice-overs
How you can you can create your music tracks that are unique and you have many many combinations to make them okay and then later how to create a complete audio track by combining effect sounds your text overs with the background music and everything it literally takes just a couple of minutes so if this is something you might be interested in please stick with me because now I’m gonna go in through a real live demo where I’m going to show you this in literally four minutes how to do everything okay also I’m going to show you the prices and up-sells and my awesome bonuses guys today i have 14 awesome bonuses seven of them come with white label rights and the other one with reseller rights most of them are software and applications so i try to make my best bonus package because i think this program deserve it also i want to let you know that sonority will go live on Thursday the 24th of June at 11 a.m est okay so today is Tuesday the 22nd if you’re watching this video today and if you click on the link down below in my description or in my fixed comment you won’t be able to access the sales page but instead you can register for a free webinar where you can win a free copy of sonority all right so if you jump early on my video you’re very lucky because you have the chance to win this free copy so don’t miss this great opportunity okay guys so with this set guys i want to show you now how sonority dashboard looks like and how it works okay
Let’s go all right guys here we’re inside my sonorities dashboard this is very simple and easy you have three different tracks here okay you have a voice track a music track and an audio track where we can merge any of this or also add another audio effect okay then you have my tracks up here where you can see the tracks you have made or you can scroll down here and you can also check the tracks I’ve made okay so let’s go over voice track well here first we have to give a voice name I’m gonna call this demo test okay then we select our language as you can see we have many different languages here but let’s keep American we can select the gender male or female and here we can test how they hear hello there i am one of many human-like voices from sonority you can make me read a script an article or pretty much anything you like i would be happy to be your voice thanks alright guys so that’s how you preview your voice okay you can scroll here and you have plenty more voices okay the same if we change here to mail click on search we’re gonna have different ones plenty of them okay to choose from and the selected one is going to appear here which is the last one you preview okay so i as it was my female voice this is going to stay here so here you enter the script you you want to generate the voice okay so i put hello guys this is a voice audio to test this demo we click on generate voice and down here you’re gonna find it okay you can preview it hello guys this is a voice audio to test this demo and if you like it you can download it here all right then we’re gonna go back to the dashboard and we’re gonna select the music track this is very cool guys because you can make the music you want first of all you have to enter the track name
So you have to give it a name here I’m gonna call it demo music track and then you have to select the duration could be 15 seconds 45 seconds 60 120 or customize it let’s say i’m gonna put it here five seconds only for this check okay so not to make it too long okay and then we select what we want a category for example I’m going to put styles and then all these are going to come here and more down here so if you select for example athletics this changes okay let’s put styles to show you deep for example and then the mood dope we click on here and now we’re gonna listen to it [Music] okay i did it five seconds remember just for the demo I’m gonna close this but you can make it longer if you want okay so now let’s select another one so let’s skip styles because i like this one and let’s and let’s choose now heavy or an rmb we’ll click here okay and if you like it you save it and you can download it later okay generated music has been saved perfect now let me show you the last one which is audio track here you have different sound effects and you have plenty of them okay like for example laser gun impact here river water flowing slashing sea water classical wash okay and so many others so the idea of this is that you can merge for example a music truck that i generated you can put it here as a background and you can point your voice track here or also you can instead of that put an effect for example okay you just drag and drop okay let’s merge now for this example with this two so we give it a name i’m gonna call it demo merge and now we go to save audio has been merged okay so now