PayMember 2 REVIEW : Three Hundred Percent MORE MONEY from your Website WITHOUT More Audience , Thirty day money back guarantee, 100% Newbie Friendly, , A completely “1 click” solution to making money from your Website, Stop struggling with low income banner ads!…

Paymember 2 Create for ANYONE including Beginners to monetize their Websites and start making a REAL INCOME WITHOUT needing Lots of TRAFFIC, Do monetization the smart way, Stop wasting time trying and failing to make money running banner ads. . Give your Audience what they want and sell QUALITY CONTENT instead. The Extreme software that makes it EASY to ACTUALLY Get MONEY from your Website….
100% Newbie Friendly, Finally NO NEED to get more traffic to start earning!, A completely “one click” solution to making money from your site., Here’s Exactly What PayMember Can Do For You., Your own “Paywall” for your site in 30 seconds, AMAZING Site MONETIZATION for newbies!, Get full control over the design of your “verification pages”, Integrates with all major autoresponders., “Done for you” premium content you can sell., Stop struggling with low income banner ads!, Powerful data and tracking., Make 300% more income from your site starting now!, Protect ANY Web Page Content In Seconds, Automatically PROTECT DOWNLOAD LINKS (so they can’t be shared), Works with ANY third party Payment Processor, Protect ANY Kind of content you want., Get POWERFUL DATA on all your customer transactions., Even MORE customer DATA…., Setup Custom Email ALERTS.,
PayMember 2 is EASY! You can setup PayMember 2 to monetize your site, and start Promoting and selling CONTENT on your Website in Just Three simple And Easy steps.
1) Add a campaign, 2) Enter the URL of the page that contains the content you want to sell 3)Enter the protected content you want to sell and then paste one line of code anywhere on your site.
Click a button to create a new campaign for the paywall you want to setup for your site., You can protect any content on any web page on any site, and make sure only people who pay you for access are able to view it., Its a completely “done for you” automated system that allows you to sell and PROTECT literally ANYTHING ON YOUR SITE in seconds.
Any download links can be automatically protected so they are only able to be accessed by people who pay for it, and they WON’T WORK if they are shared on black-hat forums, file sharing sites or anywhere else.
You can protect access to ANY webpage on ANY site, so visitors have to enter their email address, and only verified PayPal customers get access.
When you use PayMember your visitors have to verify their email address on a special verification page to get access to your content. But don’t worry you have FULL control over the design of this page, so you can get it looking exactly how you want it.
Whether you want to use Paypal’s own cart system, or jvzoo, or warrior-plus, or something else… so long as you receive payment into your Paypayl account, PayMember will work with them all.
Track charge-backs, refunds, purchases and much more for ALL your customers. See who your best customers are and who might be scamming you!
You can protect articles, files, videos, pdf’s ANYTHING you want at all. You can even user Paymember to EASILY add a whole paid membership section to your site.
AUTOMATICALLY Monitor your protected content 24/7. Setup email alerts to monitor for example… multiple chargebacks, refunds or page access… anything you want… get peace of mind that no one can possibly share your content without permission. Paymember 2 Review
PayMember collects email leads DIRECT from Paypal. As soon as the customer clicks buy, their email is saved direct to your chosen autoresponder. No more relying on any other service to collect your leads!
See how often customers download, see what location they download from, see when they access the page and much, much more
We really built this software with the intention that anyone can use it to protect their valuable content… unlike other similar software you don’t need to be a developer or a technical genius to use it!
Paymember 2, Paymember 2 Review,